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Home » What is a companion visa? A comprehensive guide to obtaining a companion visa

What is a companion visa? A comprehensive guide to obtaining a companion visa

One of the main problems of people who migrate is being away from family and loved ones. This problem can cause depression in a person and lower his productivity in studies and work. For this reason, many countries have provided a possibility called accompanying visa so that a person can live with his family in the destination country. In the rest of this article, you will get to know the conditions of companion visa, the countries that issue this visa, and the documents required to receive a companion visa.

What is a companion visa?

As mentioned, the accompanying visa is granted to the first-degree family members of the person applying for immigration. If you intend to immigrate to study or work, you can also apply for a visa for your first-class family members. Of course, the laws related to this visa may be different in each country. For example, in some countries, the accompanying person is allowed to work full-time and permanently, while the accompanying permit is issued temporarily in some countries.

Who is granted a companion visa?

This visa is granted to the person’s spouse or legal partner, children and legally adopted children. Of course, some countries have made it possible to get an accompanying visa for parents or brothers and sisters under certain circumstances. Note that companion visas are usually issued for the validity period of the applicant’s passport. During this period, companions are under the protection and coverage of the principal immigration applicant.

General conditions for obtaining a companion visa

The documents that the embassy of each country requests from you to issue a companion visa will differ depending on your conditions and the immigration laws of that country. But in general, you must deliver the documents related to the main person’s educational or work acceptance and legal and official documents to prove the relationship with the person applying for a companion visa to the embassy. You must also provide enough financial resources for two or more people to live in the destination country. Having a passport, performing medical examinations and filling out particular forms are other necessary and standard conditions for issuing a companion visa.

The cost of applying for a companion visa

The fee you must pay to each country’s embassy to register an application and receive a visa is usually between 100 and 250 dollars. Of course, some countries do not charge you for this. However, in addition to the admission and visa fees, if you do not have a scholarship or fund, you must also submit a letter and documents to the embassy regarding sufficient financial resources for you and your companions to live in the destination country. Usually, a printout of the bank statement is enough to prove your financial ability. To calculate the allowance amount, you must find the exact number from the official immigration website of the destination country.

Which countries give accompanying visas?

Most countries allow immigrants to obtain accompanying visas, but each country’s visa requirements differ. For example, getting a companion visa after receiving a German study visa differs from the conditions for obtaining a companion visa from Canada or America. In the following, you will learn more about the countries that can issue accompanying permits.

American companion visa

The US student visa is known as F1. With this visa, you can get an accompanying visa for your spouse and children under 21. A companion visa or F2 allows companions to work and study, and people with this visa can enter the United States. After accepting and issuing the applicant’s visa, you must fill out the relevant online forms and pay the visa application fee to get this visa. Then a time will be set for the interview, and you must hand over your file and documents to the officer. Of course, apart from a student visa, an accompanying visa is also issued for a work or investment visa. To give an F2 visa, the principal applicant’s financial ability and residence conditions are checked, and if he meets the requirements, his companions will receive companion visas. Also, the work companion visa is valid for 3 years; after this period, you must renew the visa again.

German accompanying visa

Spouses or registered partners and unmarried children of someone immigrating to Germany can apply for an accompanying visa. If the person is single, his parents will also have a chance to get a companion visa. International students who have received a residence permit in Germany can obtain accompanying visas for their family members. To issue this visa, the country of Germany examines conditions such as the family’s sufficient financial resources, place of residence, language status, and age. A student who has entered this country to study in Germany and has a stay of at least one year, if he has enough financial resources to support his family and a suitable place to live, can apply for an accompanying visa for his wife and children under 18 years old and single. Of course, the student’s spouse must have a German language certificate of at least A1, and their marriage must be registered before immigration. In this situation, the person’s spouse or legal partner can also obtain a work permit in Germany with an accompanying visa.

Australian companion visa

Australia has allowed immigrant companions to enter the country. Of course, if the principal applicant studies for a bachelor’s degree, his companion will only be allowed to work 20 hours a week. While if the person is a master’s or doctorate student, the companion can work without restrictions.

United Kingdom accompanying visa

If a person has received academic admission from a UK university, he can also apply for a study visa for his wife and children. Of course, to obtain this visa, it is necessary to provide sufficient financial resources and suitable residence conditions in England. Also, these conditions exist only for international students at the master’s level and above, whose study lasts at least one year.

Italian accompanying visa

One of the main questions of people applying to study in Italy is related to obtaining a companion visa and its conditions. If the person has a permit to enter Italy, his companions can get a companion visa. Of course, to issue this visa, a person must provide sufficient financial resources to support his companions. Also, the house size and the accommodation conditions should be proportional to the number of companions. If a person has immigrated to Italy for education, his family must first enter Italy with a tourist visa and then apply for a residence card.

Canadian companion visa

Canada is one of the countries that allow the family and relatives of people to enter the country by receiving an accompanying visa. Canadian companion visa is also offered to parents of students, and if your child under 18 gets a Canadian student visa, you can also live in this country with him. Students who receive Canadian study visas can also apply for companion visas for their spouses and children. An accompanying visa is issued in two tourist forms with a validity of 6 months and a work permit. If the applicant has the financial capacity, his wife can receive a companion visa with a work permit from Canada and work in this country.

French accompanying visa

The principal applicant must have a study, work, or investment visa to get an accompanying ticket from France. If a person has received a French study visa, he can also apply for a visa for his companions by meeting these conditions:

  • Having a residence permit for at least one year
  • Rent suitable accommodation
  • Having enough money to support the family

The companion visa issued to France is valid for one year, and at the end of each year, a person can renew it by visiting the immigration office. Of course, extending the accompanying student visa in France for five years is possible.

Spanish accompanying visa

Spain is one of the leading destinations for educational migration due to its cultural attractions, prestigious universities and suitable job opportunities. Also, this country has made it possible to issue accompanying student visas for spouses or legal partners, children and parents over 65 years of age (with proof of financial dependence or disability). The applicant must first obtain a Spanish study visa and permission to enter this country to receive this visa. Also, the embassy must examine personal and identity documents, sufficient financial resources, and conditions of residence.

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