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From zero to one hundred studying management in France

France is one of the best countries to study management. This country has some of the world’s best management training institutions, and France’s startup scene is booming. Now the question is, what conditions should we have to study management in France? This article will tell you everything about studying management in France.

Why should we study management in France?

France is one of the best countries to study management. Because some of the world’s best management and business schools are located in this country. The best management training institution in the world (in terms of ranking) is currently HEC Paris. In recent years, this institution has succeeded in academic management training and delivery of capable managers to the labour market. By studying management in France, you will benefit from good educational facilities. After your studies, you will have more chances to enter the labour market and obtain permanent residence.

The most popular management trends in France

At present, various management trends are offered in France, such as business management and sports management. But among all these trends, two trends are more popular than others and have many domestic and foreign applicants. These two tendencies are:

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Business Administration, or MBA for short, is one of the most popular management trends in the world. Graduates in this field have many options to enter the job market, such as sales manager, business development consultant, marketing manager, and other similar positions. With an MBA degree, one can also establish a new business as an entrepreneur. The French MBA program is offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It is interesting to know that most MBA courses in France speak English.

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) is a three-year course, at the end of which the student will have all the necessary skills to manage a collection and provide advice and training related to management. DBA graduates usually engage in activities such as teaching or entrepreneurship.

Conditions for studying management in France

Those who intend to study management in France should know the admission requirements. In recent years, the competition for studying in France has increased, and as a result, there are special conditions for obtaining admission and study visas in this country. These conditions include:

Language certificate required to study management in France

Those who want to apply for management studies in France must provide a French language certificate level B1 and, for some institutions, B2. If you intend to study management in France in English, you must submit an IELTS score of at least 6. You can research management in some French universities and educational institutions without a language degree. In the following parts of this article, we have explained how to study leadership in France without a language degree.

GPA condition for studying management in France

There is generally no GPA requirement to study management in France. Still, there is serious competition to learn in a university like HEC Paris and look for free in France. Therefore, having a high GPA will increase your chances and boost your options.

Age requirements for studying management in France

The age requirements for studying management in France depend on the level you are looking for. If you intend to study for a bachelor’s degree in management in France, you should be under 23. If your goal is to earn a master’s degree in management in France, you should be no older than 27 years old, and finally, if you are planning to study for a doctoral degree in management in France, you will have a better chance if you are under 35 years old. Of course, note that sometimes there are exceptions for these age conditions. For example, your age may not be considered if you have a good GPA.

The best universities to study management in France

As we said, some of the best universities and management schools in the world are in France. In this section, we are going to introduce you to the top four French universities for studying management:

  • HEC Paris University: In many rankings, this university is recognized as the best or one of the best management educational institutions globally. This school of entrepreneurship and management is famous for its 16-month MBA course. Those who study in this institution face many job opportunities. While looking at HEC Paris, you can enter internships and work officially after graduation.
  •  ESSEC Business School: This educational institution, which operates under the title of Business School, is one of the oldest modern universities in France. In this school, you can experience the study of different management trends, from bachelor’s degree to doctorate. In addition, ESSEC business school is less competitive for admission than HEC.
  •  IESEG School of Management: This institution is recognized as one of France’s top management training institutions and has an excellent research resume. One of the most essential advantages of IESEG Management School is the possibility of studying management in English in France.
  •  EMLYON Business School: At EMLYON Business School, you can take an 11-month IMBA or International MBA course. This school is on the list of the top 100 business schools in the world and is considered one of the top five schools for studying management in France.

Study management in France without a language degree

Some French educational institutions allow you to immigrate to this country with a minimum knowledge of the French language. After receiving admission, you will enrol in a language course to study in these institutions, and then a French study visa will be issued to you. You will learn French after obtaining a visa and entering France, and if you pass the language course successfully, you will enter the desired university. We have explained studying in France without a language certificate in another article.

Study management in France in English

As we said, some French educational institutions offer course units in English. If your second language is English, you should first find these institutions and present your language certificate and other necessary documents to get admission. Be careful that even if you study management in France in English, you will still need a minimum knowledge of French to communicate with people.

Management job market in France

France has a dynamic economy and is considered one of the most advanced countries in the world; that is why the startup environment in this country is booming. This means numerous opportunities are available to entrepreneurs and business managers. Of course, France’s unemployment rate has generally increased in recent years due to the coronavirus crisis. But France is one of the best countries to work in business management and development.


France is one of the best countries in the world to study and work in business management. Currently, MBA can be identified as the most popular management course in France. Studying management in France is enough to find a university that suits your conditions and get accepted.

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