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The best country to study pharmacy

Considering humanity’s urgent need for medicine and advanced diseases that require equipping society with advanced medication, pharmacy is one of the most essential academic fields in the world, and its career future is guaranteed in most countries. But if you want to choose a country to study pharmacy, you should consider some things and make the best choice according to your circumstances and taste. Universities worldwide offer this field of study, but which country and university is correct for you? How much does it cost to study pharmacy in these countries? What about the cost of living? We have answered these questions in this article.

What is the best country to study pharmacy?

As explained in the previous section, the best country depends entirely on your circumstances. How much do you want to spend? Which country is your final destination after graduation? Is your priority the academic rank of the university, or do you prioritize the economic and scientific conditions of the destination country? If we prioritize each of these components, the order of naming the nations will be different, but the names of the countries in the list of the top eight countries studying pharmacy are fixed. Here, we have brought the countries based on the cost of education and living in that country from the lowest to the highest, which you can read further.

The cost of studying pharmacy in Spain

Spanish universities may not be among the top scientific rankings in pharmacy, but their degrees are recognized worldwide, and the cost of studying in this country is free. The only problem is that this course is offered in Spanish, and before you learn in this country, you must take Spanish language courses for at least one year. Here is a list of the best universities in Spain to research pharmacy:

  • University of Barcelona
  • University of Valencia
  • University of Madrid

The cost of studying pharmacy in France

France is one of the countries where pharmacy students can study for free. But this country, like Spain, offers its units in its national language, French. You must have at least a B1 language certificate to enter French universities and study pharmacy. Here is a list of the best universities in France that offer pharmacy:

  • University of Paris
  • Sorbonne University
  • University of Marseille

The cost of studying pharmacy in Japan

Japan has focused more on post-graduate work in pharmacy. The educational system in the pharmacy field in Japan is designed so that students can start working immediately after graduation. Therefore, the academic method of this country is more experimental than theory. For this reason, in this country, special business management units have been planned in pharmaceuticals. In Japan, you can study in both Japanese and English. The cost of studying pharmacy in this country is lower than that of other prestigious universities. In Japan, you can look for $2,000 to $12,000 for a bachelor’s and master’s degree and $5,000 for a doctorate in pharmacy. Of course, the cost of living in Japan is around 2,500 to 2,700 dollars per month, which is a bit expensive compared to other countries. Still, considering the total cost of education and living, we can call Japan one of the cheapest countries to study pharmacy. The best universities in Japan in terms of academic rank for studying pharmacy are as follows:

  • Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
  • University of Tokyo
  • Kumamoto University

The cost of studying pharmacy in Canada

In Canada, contrary to the predictions of an increase in the unemployment rate due to the acceptance of immigrants, pharmacists have a booming job market. In addition, studying in Canadian universities is less expensive than most countries in the world that offer the pharmacy field. In Canada, you can check in English and French. The cost of studying pharmacy in Canada is about $12,000 per year, and the cost of living in this country is estimated at $1,500 per month. Here is a list of the best universities in Canada that offer pharmacy:

  • University of Toronto
  • University of Montreal
  • University of Alberta

The cost of studying pharmacy in Sweden

In terms of scientific ranking, Swedish universities are among the best and most prestigious in pharmacy. Like Japan, Sweden has adopted an experimental trend in its education system, and practical units are valued more than high grades in theory units. In Sweden, the teams you spend as an intern will be the basis of your academic assessment. In these universities, students are even taught how to participate in job interviews so that students can easily find a job after completing their studies. You can also study in English in Sweden. Studying pharmacy in Swedish universities costs between 14,000 and 21,000 dollars. Of course, if you are a citizen of a country member of the European Union, this cost will be zero for you! The cost of living in Sweden is about 800 to 1300 dollars per month, which makes this country very close to Japan and Canada in terms of studying pharmacy. Below is the list of the best universities in Sweden to study pharmacy.

  • Uppsala University
  • Karolinska Institute

The cost of studying pharmacy in England

When we hear the name of England, we unconsciously think of the pound and the high cost of living in this country. But if we compare the cost of living and studying in England with other top countries in this field, this country will be among the average! England is the owner of the most prestigious universities in the world, and as a result, in the field of pharmacy, it has the best universities in the world in terms of scientific rank. In England, pharmacy students can communicate directly with patients and intuitively understand their theoretical teachings. In most countries that offer a pharmacy degree, it takes six years to complete a bachelor’s and master’s degree. Still, in the UK, you can complete this course in four years and enter the job market after completing short periods at a few specialized institutions. Taking two years off your education will significantly reduce your education costs. To study pharmacy in British universities, you must pay 25 to 31 thousand dollars annually. The cost of living in the country’s most expensive city, London, is about 1600 dollars per month, but if you choose other towns, this cost will decrease to 750 dollars. The language of education in this country is English. Below is a list of the best universities in England to study pharmacy.

  • Oxford University
  • Cambridge University
  • Royal College London

The cost of studying pharmacy in Singapore

Singapore’s urban life standard is so high that we can call this country one of the best for living and studying. Many students worldwide apply to learn in this country, and its universities provide you with valid degrees in most countries. Obtaining a visa to study in this country is highly dependent on the rules, and permission to learn in this country is more legal than in other countries. Since Singapore has many international students in its universities, the language of study in this country is English. The cost of studying pharmacy in Singapore up to the master’s level is between 28,000 and 35,000 dollars, and the monthly cost of living in this country is between 1,500 and 3,300 dollars, which makes Singapore one of the most expensive countries to study in the field of pharmacy. Here is a list of the best universities in Singapore to research pharmacy:

  • Nanyang Polytechnic University
  • Republic Polytechnic University
  • National University of Singapore

The cost of studying pharmacy in Australia

Like England, the native language of Australia is English. Therefore, knowing English in an environment outside the university will help you avoid language problems for life. In addition, it is easier to get a study visa in Australia than in other countries. Australia guarantees the career future of its pharmacy students, and students who have graduated from Australian universities have had little trouble entering the job market. Universities that offer pharmacy in Australia are on the list of the top 100 universities in the world, and most countries consider the degrees of these universities to be valid. So, you will be fine if you want to change your final destination after completing your studies in Australia. The cost of studying pharmacy in Australia is about $24,000 to $36,000 per year, and the cost of living in this country is estimated to be around $910 to $1,600 per month. Here is a list of the best universities in Australia that offer pharmacy:

  • University of Sydney
  • University of Melbourne
  • Monash University

The cost of studying pharmacy in America

America has the best universities in most fields of study, but the cost of studying and living in this country is very high compared to other countries. In America, you won’t face any problems just by knowing English in and outside the university, and you can focus more on studying. The pharmaceutical job market is hot in this country, and students start working shortly after completing their studies. The Master of Pharmacy course in the United States is three years long, and the cost of studying in this field is estimated to be around 22 to 103 thousand dollars annually. The cost of living in America is about 1500 to 1800 dollars per month. Of course, consider that it is true that you will pay a lot of money to study in America, but when you enter the American job market, you will earn more than other countries. Here is a list of the best American universities that offer pharmacy:

  • The Ohio State University
  • University of Michigan
  • University of North Carolina

Documents required to obtain a pharmacy study visa

Each country asks for private documents to allow you to study in its universities, but some records are shared among all nations. In this section, we have listed the copies you need to obtain a pharmacy study visa:

  • Valid passport
  • Standard photo
  • Identity documents
  • Certificate of financial ability
  • Language certificate (usually IELTS 6)
  • University acceptance letter

last word

In the article you read, we tried to collect everything you need to know to choose the best country to study pharmacy.

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