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The best country to study law

The field of law is one of the fields that is always in demand in the labor market. In addition, advanced countries have provided good income conditions for law graduates. If you are among those who are interested in studying law abroad, this article will help you know the best country to look in.

The benefits of studying law abroad

The field of law in developed countries is one of the most lucrative fields, Especially if you plan to work as a lawyer. But the exciting thing here is that the career fields of law are not limited to advocacy. You can enter social and political activities through law or continue as a journalist. In the world’s advanced countries, a law graduate sees various options for work. In recent years, with the growth of modern businesses such as startups, the “business legal consultant” position has become a prestigious and lucrative job position.

Study law in Canada

Canada is one of the countries where lawyers have a high income, and therefore, it is considered a popular destination for law students. Among the universities that offer law in Canada, ten have the best global ranking (below 300), and among these ten universities, three are among the top 100 educational institutions in the world. The high level of these universities has made getting admission in Canada for law more challenging. The conditions for studying law in Canada are:

  • GPA above 16
  • LSAT score above 160 (some colleges recently accepted the GRE)
  • TOEFL score 100 (PBT 600) or IELTS 7
  • A compelling personal statement
  • Recommendation
  • Attractive research plan (proposal).

As you can see, the conditions for accepting foreign law students in Canada are stricter than in other fields. For example, in most areas, with IELTS 6.5, it will be possible for you to get admission into Canada, while you need IELTS 7 to be admitted to law school in Canada. These conditions become more difficult for the doctoral degree, but on the other hand, perfect scholarships will be awarded to applicants for a doctorate in law in Canada. In short, Canada is the best country to study law for those with good academic records and financial resources. Considering this country’s low unemployment rate and stable economy, finding a job after graduation will be relatively easy.

Study law in Germany

Germany is one of the most advanced countries and one of the most powerful economies globally, and it is considered a popular destination for immigration applicants. Master’s and doctorate studies in this country are usually free or very cheap. In addition, you can study these two courses in English in Germany. If not the best country to study law, Germany is undoubtedly one of the best. After completing law studies in Germany, you can enter the internship course by participating in the state exam and being accepted. At the end of this two-year internship, there will be another state exam in front of you, and if you pass it, you will be licensed to practice law. After obtaining this license, you can appear in courts in various roles such as judge, prosecutor, lawyer, or government representative. It is interesting to know that you will receive a salary from the German government during the internship.

Study law in France

France is another European country that provides cheap education for international students. In addition, the French government offers various scholarships and grants for study and living expenses to international students. You can do student work up to 20 hours a week while studying law in France and cover your costs. The minimum language qualification required for studying in France is B2. Finally, we provide conditions so that you can immigrate to France with an A2 French language certificate (which is a minimum mastery of the French language and is not that difficult to obtain).

Study law in Italy

Italy is currently the most popular option for immigration applicants Because studying in this country is cheap, and getting admission in Italy is more accessible than in other developed countries. Italy also has several international universities that allow you to study in English. You can get access and a study visa to Italy by presenting documents like TOEFL and IELTS. Another advantage of studying law in Italy is the possibility of obtaining a scholarship there. Scholarships that can cover your living and education expenses. It is important to note that these scholarships are primarily awarded to master’s and doctoral students.

The best country to study law

For each applicant, according to their conditions, one of the mentioned countries can be the best country to study law. For example, if your financial resources and educational background are high, Canada is your best option. Because there are many job opportunities for law graduates in Canada, the income from this field is very high. But if you are looking for cheap education, Germany, Italy and France will be better options.


The field of law is considered an essential and lucrative field in the advanced countries of the world; that is why studying law abroad has many fans. In this article, we tried to help you find the best country to learn law by reviewing several popular immigration destinations.

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