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Study in Canada or Germany

Many graduate students like to continue their studies outside their own country and experience studying in Canada or Germany, for example. Still, it is difficult for them to choose between different countries. Postgraduate education or higher education usually refers to master’s and doctorate studies. Students need the support of universities and other sources to study in these courses, and this issue makes it difficult for them to choose between different institutions and countries. After finding all the available options, you have to choose only one option, and only you can find the best option according to your conditions. In this article, we compare the conditions of studying in Canada and studying in Germany so that you can better understand the advantages and disadvantages of studying in these two countries.

study in Canada or Germany; Advantages and Disadvantages

Both Canada and Germany are very advanced countries; they have universities recognized all over the world, they provide a high-quality educational environment, they have the best educational institutions in the world, and they have valid academic qualifications. However, choosing one of them for further education is a difficult task. In the following, we will compare the main aspects of postgraduate studies in Canada or Germany.

University tuition

For many students, tuition is one of the critical decision criteria they cannot ignore when deciding. Canadian universities usually have expensive tuition fees; the average tuition fee is about 12,000 Canadian dollars per year. This amount is considered costly tuition compared to many countries. You may be able to receive a scholarship or scholarship during your studies, But note that not everyone can get a scholarship. Contrary to Canada, German universities usually have very cheap tuition fees, and their average tuition is around 600 euros per year, and even studying in some of them is free.

student life

Social life and communicating with other people in the university environment is one of the essential criteria for choosing a university. If you immigrate to Canada to study, you will encounter a warm and friendly atmosphere. In Canada, people will go out of their way to talk to you; you’ll make many friends, connect with people, and generally have an exciting time. Unlike Canadians, Germans don’t connect quickly. In this country, no one will take the initiative to talk to you, and you must initiate the conversation yourself. However, this does not mean that Germans are arrogant and will reject your request if you ask them for help; On the contrary, if you have a recommendation from them, they will help you.

Residence and right of citizenship

If you want to immigrate to your country of study in the future, it is better to check the immigration process of each country carefully. It isn’t easy to obtain citizenship and residence rights in Germany, and for this purpose, you have to live in this country for a long time (about seven or eight years) and meet many conditions. Unlike in Germany, getting permanent residence and citizenship in Canada is easier. Canada has a rating system for immigrants, and compared to Germany, you can get residency in this country after spending a little time (about four years).


Before studying in Canada or Germany, you must know where you want to live. Accommodations and hostels in Canada are costly. To live as a student in Canada, you have to live with someone or rent a small room. It should be noted that the cost of renting a shared apartment in Canada is lower than that of university campus dormitories. On the other hand, the cost of living in Germany is much cheaper than in Canada. Finding a place to live in Germany is a bit more complex, But German universities will help you to settle.


The ability to communicate is also one of the essential criteria for choosing a place of study. If you go to Canada to study, you can easily share with others in English; Because almost all Canadians speak English. Unlike in Canada, if you are not fluent in German and want to study in Germany, you will likely face a language barrier. Although you can check in an English language course, learning German to communicate with other students and your professors is better.

cost of living

Students usually have a limited budget; Therefore, they should pay attention to the cost of living in their destination country. The cost of living in Canada, including food, housing, transportation, and bills, is high. Life in Germany is less expensive compared to Canada; It can even be said that living in Germany is cheaper than in other European countries.

Part-time work

In both countries, with a student visa, you can work twenty hours a week; But sometimes, even with a student job, you run into trouble. For example, part-time work in Canada has low pay, and considering the high cost of living in this country, having a low income may cause you anxiety. The minimum wage in Canada is $12 to $13 an hour, and most student jobs pay minimum wage. On the other hand, you can find better part-time employment in Germany. The minimum wage in Germany is 9 to 10 euros per hour, But sometimes students jobs in this country earn 12 to 15 euros per hour.

Thermal system

Academic assessment in Canada is done during the semester. That means you must take quizzes and small tests throughout the semester except for the final exam. This is good news for people who don’t want to be judged solely on their final exam. In contrast, your grades in Germany only depend on the final exam; Because, most of the time, an exam is not taken during the semester; Therefore, you should focus on the end-of-semester exam.

Job availability

More jobs are available in Germany. After graduating from Germany, you can find a job quickly if you have acquired the right skills and good grades. Unlike Germany, the competition in Canada is fierce in finding different employment. In this country, besides excellent rates, you must have other criteria to find a job. For example, you should get recommendations from previous employers and professors to find a suitable job.


Weather is an essential criterion for some people. If you are one of those people who cannot adapt to any environment, it is better to check the weather of your destination. Canada’s weather is freezing all year round, and in some cities, it snows eight months out of the year. If you like snowy weather, Canada could be your ideal country. However, if you can’t stand the snowy weather for a long time, it is better to choose to study in Germany. Usually, it does not snow heavily in Germany; But note that some German cities also have cold and changeable weather, and their weather may quickly change from sunny to rainy.

a trip

One of the advantages of immigrating to Germany is that with this country’s visa, you can travel to most European countries without paying extra. Another critical point is that your distance from other European countries is short. Unlike Germany, in Canada, you cannot easily travel to other countries without a visa.

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