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Stay after studying in Norway

Entering the job market or continuing education? After graduation, students usually choose one of these routes. Students studying abroad have a more challenging choice. Because their choice should follow their goal to stay in the desired country, in this article, we intend to help the students of this country make a better choice by introducing ways to obtain residency after studying in Norway.

Benefits of living after studying in Norway

Norway is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, with a low population density and a growing economy. In this section, we want to understand the benefits of staying in Norway after studying.

The existence of job opportunities

In terms of economic power, Norway may not be like Germany and France; But this country’s economy is growing; This means that you can hope to find a job after studying in Norway. Finding a position aligned with your field of study will help you get long-term residency and citizenship.

Labor law protection of employees

Norway is one of the best countries in the world to work in terms of labour laws. This country’s Labour laws protect employees during illness or maternity leave. In addition, working hours in Norway are highly flexible, and companies in this country attach particular importance to the entertainment of their employees.

Low population density

When the population density in a country is low, the traffic and pollution in that country are less, and as a result, the stress of life is less. The population density of Norway is 15 people per square kilometre, and this country ranks 119th in the world in terms of population density. If you are looking for a quiet life in a safe and sparsely populated environment, we recommend you stay after your studies in Norway.

Income level commensurate with living expenses

Norway’s average cost of living is between NOK 20,000 and NOK 40,000 (depending on where you live). On the other hand, the average income in Norway is calculated at NOK 30,000. From these two, we can conclude that the intermediate income level in Norway is proportional to the average essential cost of living.

Extension of residence after studying in Norway

If you want to continue living in Norway after graduation, there are several ways ahead of you:

  1. Continuing education: This method is for those interested in the academic environment. To continue studying in Norway, it is necessary to be admitted to one of the Norwegian universities for the next level three months before the end of the current stay. For the final review of the residence extension, you must prove your financial ability to continue your studies.
  2. Finding a job: As some people are interested in the academic environment, some people also like to enter the job market very quickly. Graduates of Norwegian universities (for full-time courses over one year) can apply for a job search permit (or job search visa) after graduation. This permit allows you to look for a job in Norway for six months to a year. If you find a suitable job aligned with your field of study, your stay will be extended. Finally, after three to five years of working and paying taxes in Norway, you can get permanent residence in Norway.
  3. Entrepreneurship: If you can get your business idea approved by one of the Norwegian investment funds before your studies end, you can get a Norwegian entrepreneur visa. Of course, in this way, having a managerial background affects the chance of extending the stay after studying in Norway.
  4. Investment: Norway welcomes those who want to invest in this country. To extend your stay after studying in Norway, you can buy a property and bring the cost of setting up a business into this country. Of course, if you intend to start or buy a business, you need to have a good management resume (at least two years of management work)

Obtaining permanent residence in Norway

Until 2020, Norway did not accept dual citizenship. But now, you can keep your citizenship and have a Norwegian passport. Three years of living and paying taxes in this country will allow you to obtain permanent residence in Norway. Anyone who has lived in Norway for at least three years in the last ten years (and has paid taxes) can apply for permanent residence in Norway. To obtain Norwegian citizenship and a passport, you must have lived in Norway for at least five years in the last seven years.

Whichever way you choose to stay after studying in Norway, it will be possible for you to get a permanent residence. Suppose you create value for this country as a good citizen (without a bad record) within the period specified by the Norwegian government. In that case, It doesn’t matter whether you choose to continue your education or enter the job market. Complying with Norwegian laws and being helpful in your work or studies is critical.


Norway is one of Europe’s most beautiful and sparsely populated countries, which has been recognized as an educational immigration destination in recent years. The universities of this country are not at the same level as Germany or France; instead, the level of prosperity and security in this country is very high. Considering the country’s economic dynamics, finding a job after graduation will not be difficult. The salary level in Norway is proportional to the inflation of this country. If you want to experience living in Norway after your studies, there will be ways like finding a job, continuing your education, getting married, investing and entrepreneurship.

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