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Residence through the birth of a child in Germany

When we think about immigration and living in another country, we see different ways in front of us. Many people, including the people of our country, migrate to foreign countries for educational and career advancements. Excellent job opportunities and a high quality of life in some countries encourage immigrants to obtain permanent residence and live there. Germany is one of the best countries to live in, with good conditions for immigration and granting residence to non-Germans. One of the ways to obtain residency in this country is through the birth of a child in Germany. Stay with us to review the conditions and rules for obtaining German residency through the birth of a child.

What are the ways to obtain residency through the birth of a child in Germany?

Before answering this question, it is better to get acquainted with the two terms residence and citizenship:

  • Residency means to become a resident. When discussing staying in another country, we suggest getting a temporary or permanent residence permit there. Usually, a temporary residence permit (for study, work, etc.) is granted first, and then the necessary steps to obtain a permanent residence permit will be followed.
  •  Citizenship: Obtaining the citizenship of a country means that you follow the spiritual, legal, political, etc. laws of that country. By obtaining citizenship, you will be responsible for a country’s government, and that country’s government will be responsible for you.

Familiarity with these two terms leads to a better understanding of the rules for obtaining residence and citizenship through the birth of a child in Germany.

Now, it is better to get acquainted with the two methods of granting citizenship through the birth of a child. There are two general methods for obtaining the citizenship of a country, which are:

  • The principle of soil: granting citizenship based on birth in a land
  • Blood principle: granting citizenship based on the parents’ nationality (one or both).

We will explain more about these methods below.

Obtaining citizenship based on the principle of soil

This method is among the most popular for obtaining residency in foreign countries. In some countries, any person born in that country’s land and territory can quickly receive that country’s citizenship and enjoy the rights of citizenship.

Canada and the United States are the only countries that grant citizenship to anyone born in their country (regardless of the nationality of their parents). But in other countries, conditions for the parents’ nationality or place of birth may be considered to prevent illegal immigration.

Obtaining citizenship based on the principle of blood

According to this principle, the children of those whose parents (one or both) have the nationality of a particular country are granted citizenship and the right of citizenship of that country. The use of principle of blood is used in many countries to prevent the granting of citizenship to foreigners and to maintain racial integrity. But how is obtaining residence through the birth of a child in Germany? In this country, is the principle of soil used or the principle of blood? We will answer this question below.

How to grant citizenship to a person born in Germany

The birth laws in Germany were changed in 2000. According to the new rules, any child born to non-German parents in Germany from January 2000 onwards can obtain German citizenship. Of course, there is a condition in this: At least one of the two parents of the child must have one of the following conditions:

  • Have a permanent residence in Germany
  • He has been a legal resident of Germany for 8 years

Let us explain about eight years of legal residence in Germany. If a person has gone to Germany as a refugee, his refugee period is counted among the eight years of legal residence. If he has received a German study visa and has been studying, it is still considered part of his legal stay in Germany. A work visa is also part of the same rule.

The only temporary and legal permit not included in the 8-year temporary residence is the Duldung residence. Döldung residence is granted to people deported from Germany but whose deportation has been delayed for reasons such as lack of identification documents or illness. Therefore, Doldong’s residence is not considered part of the eight years of legal temporary residence.

Not only are the conditions of the parents necessary, but the person born must also provide certain conditions up to a certain age. A person born in Germany has until age 23 to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain citizenship and permanent residence in this country. Until 23, such a person must have the indicators of a German citizen and prove his interest and connection to this country. These indicators are:

  • The person must have lived in Germany for at least eight years before age 21.
  • The person has studied in German schools for at least six years.
  • The person has studied and graduated from at least one German school.
  • The person must participate in at least one of Germany’s educational or specialized courses.

These indicators are considered for granting citizenship to a person born on German soil. But how is it for his parents to obtain residence in Germany through the birth of a child?

Conditions for obtaining parental residence through the birth of a child

Sometimes, one of the parents is absent in Germany, or his residence permit is about to expire. Under these conditions, a person whose child was born in Germany can apply for family reunification for his spouse to join his family in Germany or for him to stay in that country.

In general, you should know that the birth of a child is not a sufficient condition for granting residency to parents. Under special conditions and with unique documents, parents can obtain German residency through the birth of their child in that country. A parent whose child was born in Germany and meets the following conditions can also apply for the residence of his wife:

  • Lived in Germany for at least eight years
  • Do not have a background
  • Complete command of the German language
  • Passing the German citizenship test
  • Sufficient financial resources
  • Familiarity with immigration laws and commitment to them

The necessary documents for the addition of a spouse to the family of a child born in Germany include:

  • A passport that is valid for at least six months
  • The child’s birth certificate with the exact name of the parents
  • Other statements by the parent regarding his need for his wife to take care of the child

Obtaining a family reunification permit does not require proof of the added person’s financial capacity, and he is not necessary to work in Germany. If the parent can get permission to join the family, he can apply for permanent residence through the child’s birth after three years.

The best way to obtain residence in Germany through the birth of a child is to seek advice from immigration companies and expert immigration lawyers. But how much does it cost to give birth to a child in Germany?

The cost of having a child in Germany

Studying in Germany is very cheap. The cost of living is reasonable considering the low rate of inflation and the high level of people’s income. But what are the costs of giving birth to a child in Germany? One of the most important things to obtain residence through the birth of a child in Germany is to pay attention to the medical expenses and medical procedures necessary for the birth of a child in Germany. Of course, if a person is covered by insurance, a significant reduction in the cost of having a child will be included.

Rights and benefits of a citizen born in Germany

A child born in Germany who can obtain citizenship and permanent residence in this country by the age of 23 is considered a German citizen, and all the rights of Germans are included, including:

  • The right to vote and participate in elections
  • The right to travel without restrictions to EU member states
  • The right to consular protection
  • The right to work in the German labor market
  • The right to be employed as a government employee

In addition to these cases, a person born in Germany with the citizenship of this country will have the opportunity to study for free in German public universities and be quickly absorbed in the country’s job market. The possibility of traveling to different countries of the European Union will provide more educational and career opportunities for this person.

However, for parents who have been able to obtain residence through the birth of a child in Germany, it is better not only to get residence but also to seek to pass the German citizenship test. Any person residing in Germany (even those with the right to permanent residence) does not necessarily enjoy citizenship rights. Obtaining German citizenship can play an essential role in the government’s support of you as a citizen and will separate your account from other foreigners living in Germany.

What is the best way to immigrate and obtain residency through the birth of a child in Germany?

The destination of many people who want to study abroad is Germany. Those who go to check in Germany can stay in this country to find a job after graduation. Also, we see many people who succeed in obtaining temporary residence in Germany by receiving offers from German employers.

Studying and working in Germany is an excellent opportunity for couples to settle in and learn German culture and laws. Many couples went to Germany using these methods and gave birth to their child in this country. Finally, they succeeded in obtaining permanent residence in Germany.


In this article, we talked about how to obtain residency in Germany through the birth of a child. Many couples who have given birth to their child in Germany first came to this country through educational immigration.

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