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IT job market in Germany

What could be better than working in the computer field in an advanced country? Germany is one of the most developed countries in the world, which welcomes computer engineers and IT specialists with open arms. In this article, we will examine the conditions of the IT labour market in Germany.

Conditions for studying IT in Germany

Germany is an advanced country that has recently paid particular attention to IT experts. In this regard, many people are interested in studying IT in this country. It is interesting to know that the demand for the IT job market in Germany is very high, and students in this field have an easier jobs in Germany after finishing their studies. On the other hand, one of the highest average salaries in Germany is related to IT experts. To study IT in Germany, you must meet the following conditions:

  • English-German language certificate (according to the course you are enrolled in)
  • High school diploma with an acceptable grade point average
  • Financial ability to live in Germany (if you don’t have funds)
  • Acceptance letter from the desired university
  • Research proposal or plan
  • Certificate of Residence in Germany

IT engineer salary in Germany

In recent years, Germany has gone in a direction where its old companies and banks have gone electronic, and as a result, there has been a great demand for computer engineers and IT experts in this country. This has made Germany one of the best countries to work in the IT field. Germany is among the five countries that pay the highest salaries to computer specialists. In this sense, only Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden are better than Germany. The speed of technology development in Germany is such that this demand will increase daily. In this regard, it is necessary to be careful that there is heavy competition for IT acceptance from Germany. Therefore, the better conditions you provide (for example, higher financial ability or better language score), the more chances you will have to get admission and an IT study visa from Germany. The income of an IT expert in Germany varies according to the level of education and work experience.

Types of IT related jobs in Germany

The question is, what are the current jobs for IT experts in Germany? In this section, we introduce the types of jobs available in the German IT labour market along with the approximate average income of each one:

  • Network security expert (3000 euros)
  • Web and software developer (3500 euros)
  • Server and data center manager (3000 euros)
  • Blockchain developer (3000 euros)
  • IT technician (3000 euros)
  • Game designer (3500 euros)
  • IT expert (4000 euros)
  • Analyst (4000 euros)

Unemployment rate in Germany

If we look at the unemployment rate trend in Germany, we can see that it has been increasing in recent years. This point seems alarming at first glance, but if we compare the unemployment rate of this country with other countries, Germany still has a low unemployment rate. In addition, it is necessary to note that the IT job market in Germany has its boom, and its account is separate from other fields, such as mechanical or civil engineering. Because IT is considered the world’s science, today’s companies increasingly need IT specialists and experts.

Conditions for obtaining permanent residence in Germany for IT professionals

To obtain permanent residence in Germany, it is necessary to work in this country for some time (usually five years). There are two ways to achieve this goal. First, apply for a job search visa or a job offer in Germany and get a German work visa. The second way is to enter this country with a study visa and, after finishing your studies in this field, find a job and change your visa type from study to work. Finally, if you work in Germany for five years and pay taxes, you can apply for permanent residence in Germany. In this, there are exceptions. For example, if someone has a European Union Blue Card, you can apply for permanent residence in less time. Also, if your income exceeds 84,000 euros, you do not need to wait five years to obtain a permanent home.

Ausbildung IT in Germany

Ausbildung (Ausbildung) in Germany is similar to vocational-technical courses. In these courses, practical training is emphasized, and most importantly, you will enter the job market directly after the end of the system. Currently, studying in German Ausbildung courses is a challenge. In general, to be admitted to the German IT Ausbildung course, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Graduation certificate
  • B1 German language level
  • Maximum age of 25 years
  • Financial proof of 600 to 700 euros per month
  • Insurance
  • Housing in Germany


The IT job market in Germany has good demand and prosperity. In this regard, many people are applying to immigrate to Germany through IT work or study. There are two ways to do this. First, get a German work visa directly, and the second way is to study IT in Germany first and then convert your study visa to a work visa. Between these two ways, looking at IT in Germany is more affordable.

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