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Information about residence after studying in France

Finding a job in Europe is difficult and almost impossible for people who do not have the citizenship of EU countries. But if you can obtain a study visa from one of the countries in the Schengen zone, after finishing your studies, you will be given a deadline to stay in the desired country by finding a job. France is one of the European countries that is suitable for life after education. This article will review the information about staying in France after studying.

Benefits of staying after studying in France

The fundamental question here is whether living in France is worth it. In answer to this question, we must say that France may not be at the level of countries like Switzerland and Canada regarding welfare and life satisfaction, But it is still one of the best countries in the world to live in. The reasons for this are:

  • Valid passport: With a French passport, you can travel to all major European countries and Canada, and you will not need a visa to travel to these countries. If you can find a job and get French citizenship after your studies, travelling and immigrating to other countries will not be complicated.
  •  Government support for entrepreneurship: The French government supports startups and businesses based on innovation. You can benefit from this support by starting or joining a startup after graduation. In addition, if you have a good idea, this country has suitable spaces to discover and cultivate ideas.
  •  High-quality and public health services: unlike countries like America and England, in France, public health services are of good quality, and you don’t have to spend money to receive these services. It is interesting to know that you can register for CPAM or French government insurance with at least three months of legal residence in France.
  •  Stability of costs: In France, essential goods and services such as public transportation are stable and much cheaper than those in a neighbour like Germany. France is one of the most economical options for living among advanced European countries.

Conditions for extending residence after studying in France

To be able to apply for an APS or temporary residence permit after finishing your studies, you must have studied in one of the recognized educational centres in France, and your study time should be at least six months. Once the APS is issued, you have up to one year to sign a contract with a French employer. According to French administrative procedures, the issuance of this document usually takes one month. Therefore, applying for the French APS at the right time is necessary before your study stay ends. Another point is that the one-year APS deadline for finding work cannot be extended. From when APS is issued until you have an agreement with an employer, you are only allowed to work 20 hours a week, just like when you are a student. After starting a job, if you work in France for five years and pay taxes, you can apply for permanent residence in France.

Other ways to extend your stay after studying in France

Finding a job after studying is one of the surest ways to extend your stay after studying in France, But it is not the only way. This section examines other methods of growing residence after studying in France.

Extension of residence after studying in France through marriage

If the student marries a French citizen, his stay will be extended. Of course, there are criticisms in this matter Because some people intend to obtain permanent residence in France through Syrian marriage and consensual divorce. After four years of living together with a person who has a French passport, you can apply for citizenship and have French access.

Extending residence after studying in France through investment

Another mode of APS issuance is when the student has the conditions to set up a business in France after completing his studies. You can do this by proving your management ability and buying a business in France or starting a business from scratch. After obtaining APS, you have a one-year deadline to create or buy your business, and this deadline cannot be extended. After your company starts operating, your residence will be developed, and after five years of paying taxes in France, you can apply for permanent residence.

Types of contracts in France

To extend your stay after studying in France, you need to know the types of contracts in this country. In France, we have two types of agreements:

  • French permanent contract (CDI): This type of contract is the same as a full-time contract. When you sign a permanent contract with an employer, you will enjoy all the benefits of work, such as insurance, and you can obtain permanent residence.
  • Temporary contract (CDD) France: this type of contract is the same as the contractual contract. This means that the employer needs your services for a limited period, and after the agreement ends, the employer will only be held responsible if the contract is extended. The French temporary contract is not suitable for those who want to become a permanent resident through work.

last word

Employment after graduation is one of the most critical concerns of students worldwide. France is one of the countries that support international students entering the labour market. In this regard, if you study in France, you will have one year to find a job after graduation. By finding a job, your stay in France will be extended. If you stay in France for five years after your studies and pay taxes, you can apply for French citizenship.

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