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Immigration without a language certificate

The language certificate is considered one of the primary documents required for educational immigration. But will we not have any chance to get admission and study visa without presenting this document? The good news is that you can immigrate without a language certificate. But this is not so easy. Some universities and countries have provided this possibility for international students. In this article, we intend to determine which countries and how it is possible to migrate without a language certificate.

Educational immigration to France without a language certificate

France is one of the countries that provide exceptional support to international students. In addition to dozens of unique advantages for students (such as cheap transportation and various student discounts), this country has also allowed international students to study abroad without a language certificate. Of course, for this method, it is necessary to have a minimum command of the French language; Because the embassy interview is in French. You should know the size of the A1 level of French. This level is the most basic level of the French language, and it does not take much time to reach it.

Educational immigration to Spain without a language certificate

Spain is one of the most economical countries in the world to live and study. In addition, you do not need to provide a language certificate to obtain a Spanish study visa. Of course, a basic command of Spanish is required to live in this country. Spanish universities teach in both English and Spanish. For English language universities, IELTS and TOEFL are accepted. To study in Spanish, you can first enter college, get your Spanish language degree, and then enter university.

Educational immigration to Austria without a language certificate

Austria is another European country that gives admission and study visas to international students without providing a language certificate. Studying in Austria is done in English and German, and by presenting a certificate in each of these two languages, you can experience educational immigration to Austria. Another way is to apply for English or German language courses and get conditional admission. It is interesting to know that studying in Austria in German is free.

Work immigration without a language certificate

The conditions for issuing a work visa are stricter than for a study visa. Because the workforce must be able to communicate with their colleagues, and in this regard, they must master the language of the destination country. It is almost impossible to immigrate without a language certificate for work. If you intend to immigrate without a language certificate, it is better to apply through education.

Migration through finance

If you intend to immigrate without a language certificate, immigrating through financial resources is one of the best options available to you; Of course, this method has its prerequisites. To migrate through economic means, it is necessary to have a certain amount in your account and a fixed monthly income to be deposited into your account.


Immigrating without a language certificate is not an easy task. You will not have many options for immigration without a language certificate. The best way to immigrate without a language certificate is through educational immigration. Some countries have conditional admission and study visa that allows the student to improve his language after entering the destination country. Some countries also give you a ticket upon entering the language course.

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