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French language in Canada

French is a beautiful and rich language known as the “language of love,” because of its structure’s analytical nature, it teaches students critical thinking. Also, this language is a good base for learning other languages, such as Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Learning French is easy, and knowing it will introduce you to a new world of history, philosophy, literature, science, and politics. French is the official language of several international organizations, such as the United Nations, UNESCO, the Olympic Committee, and the Red Cross. With knowledge of the French language, you can study at higher education levels in various European countries and the province of Quebec, Canada, and a broad job market will open up to you. In this article, for those interested in studying in Canada, we introduce the top universities for learning French in Canada.

University of Toronto

The University of Toronto is considered the best university in Canada and the most prestigious university for studying French in Canada. This university ranks 25th among the top universities in the world. The University of Toronto was founded in 1827 in the city of Toronto, and now more than 74 thousand students are studying in its three campuses. The faculties of the University of Toronto are Engineering and Applied Sciences, Physics and Kinesiology, Communication, Architecture, Art, Dentistry, Education, Law, Management, Medicine, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Forestry, Labor, and Political Science. The annual tuition fee for studying the French language at the undergraduate level of the University of Toronto is estimated at 59,000 Canadian dollars.

University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia is the third most prestigious university in Canada and the 45th best university in the world. This university was founded in 1908 in Vancouver and currently hosts more than 66 thousand students on two campuses in Vancouver and Okanagan. Some University of British Columbia faculties are Science, Agriculture, Arts, Business, Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Education, Forestry, Journalism, Law, Music, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Labor, and Economics. The University of British Columbia, after the University of Toronto, is considered the second most popular university in Canada for studying the French language, and the tuition fee for studying the said subject at the undergraduate level is about forty thousand Canadian dollars per year.

McMaster University

Another top university to study French in Canada is McMaster University. McMaster University is the sixth most prestigious university in Canada and one of the top 150 universities in the world. This university started working in 1887, and today, more than thirty thousand students are studying in its six schools. These six faculties are as follows: Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, and School of Business. The tuition fee for studying French at McMaster University is approximately 32,000 Canadian dollars for one year.

University of Waterloo

The University of Waterloo is considered the seventh-best university in Canada and one of the world’s two hundred most prestigious universities. This university was established in 1957 in the city of Waterloo, and currently, about 41,000 full-time and part-time students are studying in its six schools. The faculties of the University of Waterloo, one of the prominent universities for learning French in Canada, include health sciences, arts, engineering, environment, mathematics, and science. The annual cost of studying this field at the university’s undergraduate level is estimated at 41 thousand Canadian dollars.

University of Calgary

The University of Calgary is considered one of the top universities to study French in Canada. This university started working in 1966 in the city of Calgary, Alberta, and today, it is the 10th most prestigious university in Canada and one of the top 250 universities in the world. The University of Calgary currently hosts more than thirty thousand students in thirteen faculties. The faculties of the University of Calgary are as follows: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Kinesiology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Graduate School, School of Medicine, School of Agriculture, School of Business, School of Engineering and School of Education. The annual tuition fee for studying this field at the undergraduate level of the University of Calgary is estimated at 20,000 Canadian dollars.

Dalhousie University

Dalhousie University is the 12th most prestigious university in Canada and one of the top 300 universities in the world. This university was founded in 1818 in the city of Halifax, and currently, it is one of the prominent universities for studying the French language in Canada. Today, Dalhousie University hosts more than nineteen thousand students in two hundred majors and has four campuses and twelve faculties. The faculties of this university are Agriculture, Architecture, Arts and Social Sciences, Computer Science, Dentistry, Engineering, Graduate Studies, Health, Law, Management, Medicine, and Science. Students must pay approximately 21,000 Canadian dollars annually to study French at Dalhousie University’s undergraduate level.

University of Victoria

Another top university to study French in Canada is Victoria University. Victoria University is the 14th-best university in Canada and one of the top 400 universities in the world in 2020. This university started working in 1963 in the Victoria region of British Columbia province. Currently, Victoria University hosts more than 22,000 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. The faculties of this university include education, engineering, fine arts, human and social development, humanities, sciences, social sciences, and graduate studies. The tuition fee for studying French at the University of Victoria is about 25 thousand Canadian dollars annually.

University of Saskatchewan

The University of Saskatchewan is the 16th best university in Canada and one of the top 500 universities in the world in 2020. The university was founded in 1907 in Saskatoon and housed eleven faculties: Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Medicine. The University of Saskatchewan is also considered one of the prestigious universities for French language studies in Canada, and the tuition fee is about eighteen thousand Canadian dollars per year.

Carleton University

Carleton University is the 20th-best university in Canada and one of the 650 most prestigious universities in the world. This university started working in 1942 in Ottawa, Ontario, and today, it welcomes more than 30,000 part-time and full-time students. The faculties of this university are the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Public Affairs, Faculty of Science, and School of Business. Carleton University is one of the top universities to study the French language in Canada, and the annual tuition fee for the undergraduate program is estimated at 28 thousand Canadian dollars.

Memorial University

Memorial University is the 23rd-best university in Canada and one of the top 750 universities in the world. This university was established in 1925 in the city of St. John’s, and currently, it is one of the prestigious universities for studying the French language in Canada. Now, more than eighteen thousand students from one hundred countries are studying in seven faculties of Memorial University. The seven faculties of Memorial University are Art, Business, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Nursing, and Science. The tuition fee for studying this field at the undergraduate level of Memorial University is approximately twelve thousand Canadian dollars per year.

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